GWs from bosons around black holes#

%pylab inline
import gwaxion
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Black holes and bosons#

Let’s create a black-hole–boson system starting from a given BH mass (\(M = 50 M_\odot\)), initial dimensionless BH spin (\(\chi=0.9\)) and a fine structure constant (\(\alpha = 0.2\)):

bhb = gwaxion.BlackHoleBoson.from_parameters(m_bh=50, alpha=0.2, chi_bh=0.9)

By default, the code assumes the boson is a scalar, but we could have specified a different spin-weight via the argument spin. Let’s now print some properties of the system.

First, the BHB system contains a black-hole (BlackHole) with the following properties:

print("\nThe initial black-hole has a mass of %.1f MSUN (%.1e kg)."
      % (,
print("It also has a dimensionless spin of chi=%.2f, which corresponds to an "
      "angular momentum J=%.1e Js, and Kerr parameter a=%.1e m."
      % (,,
print("The outer radius is %.1e m, with a horizon angular frequency of %.1f rad/s."
      % (,

The initial black-hole has a mass of 50.0 MSUN (9.9e+31 kg).
It also has a dimensionless spin of chi=0.90, which corresponds to an angular momentum J=2.0e+45 Js, and Kerr parameter a=6.6e+04 m.
The outer radius is 1.1e+05 m, with a horizon angular frequency of 1272.1 rad/s.

Had we wanted to, we could have created a standalone black-hole by doing bh = physics.BlackHole(50, chi=0.9, msun=True).

The BHB system also contains a boson (in this case, a scalar):

print("The boson has a rest-mass of %1.e kg, which corresponds to an energy of "
      "%.1e eV. Its spin is %i." %
      (bhb.boson.mass, bhb.boson.energy_ev, bhb.boson.spin))
The boson has a rest-mass of 1e-48 kg, which corresponds to an energy of 5.3e-13 eV. Its spin is 0.

Together, the black-hole–boson system has a finestructure constant given by the ratio of the gravitational radius (\(r_g=GM/c^2\)) to the boson’s reduced Compton wavelength [\(\lambda_C = \hbar / (\mu c)\)]. In this case this is:


Which is what we requested when we constructed the BHB system in the first place.

Energy levels#

Let’s compute the growth rate for a bunch of energy levels with quantum numbers \((l, m, n_r)\):

print("(l, m, nr, growth rate in Hz)")
for l in range(0, 3):
    for m in range(0, l+1):
        for nr in range(0, 3):
            print("(%i, %i, %i, %.1e)" % (l, m, nr, bhb.level_omega_im(l, m, nr)))
(l, m, nr, growth rate in Hz)
(0, 0, 0, -1.5e+00)
(0, 0, 1, -1.9e-01)
(0, 0, 2, -5.5e-02)
(1, 0, 0, -1.3e-05)
(1, 0, 1, -4.5e-06)
(1, 0, 2, -2.0e-06)
(1, 1, 0, 4.2e-06)
(1, 1, 1, 1.5e-06)
(1, 1, 2, 6.5e-07)
(2, 0, 0, -4.9e-12)
(2, 0, 1, -2.9e-12)
(2, 0, 2, -1.7e-12)
(2, 1, 0, 1.3e-12)
(2, 1, 1, 7.5e-13)
(2, 1, 2, 4.4e-13)
(2, 2, 0, 7.0e-11)
(2, 2, 1, 4.2e-11)
(2, 2, 2, 2.5e-11)

Clearly the \(l=m=1\) mode grows very fast. We could have also directly checked whether the \(m=1\) mode satisfies the superradiant condition \(\mu < m \Omega\):


We can also directly ask for the fastest growing level:

(1, 1, 0, 4.174052907537487e-06)

The energy of a given level is given by \(E_n = E_0(1-\frac{\alpha^2}{2n^2})\), where \(E_0=mc^2\) and \(n\) is the principal quantum number. For the \(l=1, n_r=0\) level this is:

l, nr = (1, 0)
print("%.2e eV" % bhb.level_energy(l + nr + 1))
5.32e-13 eV


We can now add a cloud to our BHB system to populate the largest growing level:

cloud = bhb.best_cloud()

The system now has one cloud with \((l=1, m=1, n_r=0)\):

{(1, 1, 0): <gwaxion.physics.BosonCloud at 0x7fe4ecad3310>}

We could have equivalently added this cloud by doing, 1, 0) which would retrieve (or create) the desired cloud, but using bhb.best_cloud() we don’t have to know the quantum numbers of the best cloud a priori.

Let’s print some properties of the cloud:

mass_fraction = cloud.mass /
print("\nAfter superradiant growth, the cloud has mass %.1f MSUN (%.1e kg)."
      % (cloud.mass_msun, cloud.mass))
print("This is %.1f%%  of the original BH mass." % (mass_fraction*100))

After superradiant growth, the cloud has mass 3.3 MSUN (6.5e+30 kg).
This is 6.6%  of the original BH mass.

Note that the cloud object contains a pointer to the original BlackHoleBoson system under cloud.bhb_initial. It also has a similar object for the black hole that remains after superradiant growth:

print("The mass and spin of the final black hole are: (%.1f MSUN, %.2f)"\
      % (,
The mass and spin of the final black hole are: (46.7 MSUN, 0.65)

Gravitational waves#

After the superradiant stage is over, the cloud will emit GWs at a frequency of

print("%.2f Hz" % cloud.fgw)
257.28 Hz

We can also easily obtain the corresponding waveform, Eqs. (39) and (40) in Brito et al. (2017):

# Create a waveform and plot it
hp, hc =,
inclination = np.pi/4
time = np.arange(0, 0.05, 1E-4)

plot(time, hp(inclination, 0, time), label=r'$+$', color='dodgerblue', lw=2, alpha=0.7)
plot(time, hc(inclination, 0, time), label=r'$\times$', color='darkorange', lw=2, alpha=0.7)
xlabel("Time (s)");
title("GWs from BH (%.f MSUN) and scalar (%.1e eV)"
          % (, cloud.bhb_final.boson.energy_ev));
legend(loc='upper right')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe4ecb152d0>

This folds in all the proper spheroidal harmonics and numerical factors.

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